
Membership in the Blue Ridge Volunteer Fire Department is a great way to serve the community of Blue Ridge.  You will become a valued member of our volunteer team to help your neighbors in their time of need.  Being a volunteer firefighter can be a very fulfilling endeavor and provide training in many interesting skills.

We are not an extremely busy station and we do not require "in station" duty time.  The time you spend at the station is mainly up to you.  We currrently use a pager and cellphone alert system to advise our members when a call for an emergency has been dispatched.  Most members respond from their homes to the station when available for assisting with an emergency.  

Training can be as intensive or basic as suits your specific situation - from several levels of firefighter and technical rescue technicians to driver and pump operator for those interested.  We also have need for administrative and training skills.

Please see our Membership Application page for more information about becoming a member.